Monday, May 31, 2010


Always comes and goes at the same time
But when u have a Memories that will stay with forever
That is a memories
There will always be a good ones
and there will be bad ones
But memories can stay in your heads for a long time
There will the one be
from ur childhood until now
But there be memories with the person u want to make the memories with
The person love and care the most in the world
There will always be a memories


  1. Memories are something that can't be taken away from you. Hold on to them forever.

  2. thanks is soo true because all the memories stays with us

  3. i like this one the most. because alot of people can relate to this, as well as the others. your poetry really gets to people, its something most of us can relate to. it takes a true poet to do that

  4. i like all your poem u should think about making a book with all of them
