Sunday, March 14, 2010


We've been friends ever since
The day we were born
When we were small,
All we used to do was fight,
We never got along.
As time changes,
We also tend to change,
We became the best of friends!

When we were neighbors,
We would always,
climb up through the back stairs,
and walk on the roof to the next neighbors house
we used to eat raw noodles as our midnight snack
we used to always disappear from our houses even at midnight...
we would come to each others’ house!

We started in the same directions,
But eventually separate paths,
My destiny took me to the US,
While yours to JIS,
We both live contrasting ways of life

We're just girls,
Together through thick and thin
Who laugh way too hard,
Act like complete idiots,
Take a lot of insane pictures
Have uncountable numbers of sleepovers

And would totally be lost without each other!
memories is something that follows a person
like his shadow throughout his life
and these are mine which will be
with me till the end of my breaths.


  1. Hey I love this poem it's so powerful and moving I can't really relate that much but keep up the good work.

  2. i had a friend just like this. sleep overs about 5 times a week for 8 years. even bathed together when we were 3 and then got to old after 6. after we hit the age of 10, we faded away like you explained. we dont even know eachother anymore. we are now shy when we see eachother, like we just met. its really shocking. she just lives 6 blocks away but now i know that even when you live 6 blocks away from eachother, its so easy to get separated, her name was katie

  3. this is true u can never forget those good memories
